Storytelling with a purpose

Our Clients

Over the years at Kublacom Pictures we have been fortunate to work with some great clients.


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Secret Lives of Butterflies
- Discovery Channel -
You are Not Alone
- Ottawa Hospital Research Institute -
One of the Last
- OMNI Television -
Fortifications de Québec
- Parks Canada -
In Search of The Real You
- The Real You -
Fathom Five National Marine Park
- Sound Venture Productions -
The Ties That Bind
- Force Four Entertainment -
Parenting: An Inuit Father's Perspective
- Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada -
Match International Women's Fund
Homeless In Calgary
- National Secretariat on Homeless -
Partners For Peace
- Nobel Women's Intitative
The Challenge:
Planning Without Tomorrow
- Ottawa Inner City Health -

* Baobab Productions

* Breakthrough Entertainment

* Canada Post Corporation

* Canadian Council on Animal Care

* Canadian Medical Protective Association

* CBC Television

* Children's Aid Society of Ottawa

* David J. Woods Productions

* Department of Canadian Heritage

* Employment  & Social Development Canada

* Force Four Entertainment

* Global Affairs Canada

* Health Canada

* Innovation, Science & Economic Development Canada

* Lank Beach Productions

* Match International Women's Fund

* Match International Women's Fund

* Mental Health Media

* National Aboriginal Health Organization

* National Film Board of Canada

* National Secretariat on Homelessness

* Nobel Women's Initiative

* Ottawa Hospital Research Institute

* Ottawa Inner City Health

* Parks Canada

* Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada

* Ptarmigan Music & Theatre Society

* Sound Venture Productions

* Treasury Board

* The Real You

* Women's League of Burma